Convert a Batch of PowerPoint Presentations to MIRC formatConvert multiple presentation to MIRC, either as a MIRC "Index Card" or "Article" documents. When an index card is created, the index card is used by the MIRC server to find the PowerPoint presentation When a user selects a MIRC index card for display, the user's browser is directed to the PowerPoint presentation. If an article is created, a MIRC document containing the text of the presentation and screen shots of the slides will be displayed. The PowerPoint conversion wizard will guide you through the conversion process with customizable options. Select the option and the wizard will perform the operation on the selected presentations. Select the folder in witch the wizard should search for PowerPoint files (.ppt and .pps). To extend the search into sub folder within the main folder check "include subfolder" option. You may limit the search to file that contain a specific string. * and ? wildcards are permitted in the search string. Leave this field blank to include all PowerPoint files. Do not include file extension. This is the list of PowerPoint file found.
Select the file you want to convert and click "Next"
This screen let you select the default value to use, when a value is not already stored in the presentation. You have the option to override the values stored in the presentation. After entering the default values, click "Next" Select the file type you want to export to. You can esport to MIRC index card documents or MIRC article documents. The MIRC article documents can contain images. You can select the width of the images, the height is automatically calculated to maintain the aspect ratio. You can chouse the file output format (JPF<GIF or PNG). You need to select a directory where the output of the wizard is saved. Click "Next" to continue. This screen let you review the presentations selected for conversion to MIRC format. Clicking on a file name will let you see the properties stored in the PowerPoint presentation. Any change will be automatically saved to the presentation. Click "Next" to start the conversion.
The conversion will take some time, especially if you are converting to articles with images.
The wizard will let you know what it is doing. When it is done you will find the compressed files in the selected directory ready for upload to the MIRC server. You can use the MIRC FileSender to bach upload your file to your server. The MIRC FileSender is a free from the RSNA MIRC site. |